What is EMDR?
EMDR Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a form of interactive psychotherapy treatment. EMDR therapy was developed to offer relief from psychological stress related to traumatic experiences and events.
EMDR therapy is used to address past traumatic experiences that are having a present effect on your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Even though EMDR began as way to treat PTSD it has since become much more than that. Often clients report feeling lighter, and being free of feelings of shame, anxiety, depression, and doubt. EMDR opens up pathways in the limbic system (emotional and trauma) brain and helps to connect these pathways to the Prefrontal cortex (thinking brain). Helping your brain re-map and re-program faulty programing and schemas.
The way I practice EMDR is a layered process where were “mine for” and source out events that led you to feel “worthless, hopeless, scared, anxious etc.” that in turn created felt and deeply rooted self-belief systems. We then go through these events and beliefs one by one; letting them open up, transform and heal. The brain has a miraculous way of healing itself. The process involves bilateral stimulation. You will hold tappers in each hand which will vibrate left to right as we process these events.
I have found EMDR to be incredibly effective and beneficial but this modality is not something we need to do. You can absolutely opt out of this modality, never try it, try it once and discontinue, or do it as often as you would like. This is just one more tool in the toolbox that we can utilize; if desired. I like to provide my clients with as many tools as they wish to utilize.